Adult Residential Facilities (ARF)
Provide 24-hour a day, non-medical care and supervision for clients ages 18-59 or any person 60 years of age or older under specified requirements. These clients may have a mental, physical or developmental disability.
Enhanced Behavioral Support Homes-ARF (EBSH)
Enhanced Behavioral Support Home means a facility certified by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and licensed by the Department (CCLD) as an Adult Residential Facility that provides 24-hour nonmedical care to individuals with developmental disabilities who require enhanced behavioral supports under specified requirements.
Community Crisis Homes-ARF (CCH)
Community Crisis Home means an Adult Residential Facility certified by the Department of Developmental Services and licensed by the Department that provides 24-hour nonmedical care to individuals with developmental disabilities receiving regional center services and in need of crisis intervention services under specified requirements.
Social Rehabilitation Facilities (SRF)
Provide 24 hour a day non-medical care and supervision in a group setting to adults recovering from a mental illness who temporarily need assistance, guidance or counseling. Mental Health certification from the California Department of Health Care Services. is required for this type of facility.
Residential Care Facilities for the Chronically Ill (RCFCI)
Provides care and supervision to adults who have HIV disease or AIDS, emancipated minors with HIV disease or AIDS, or family units with adults or children or both with HIV disease or AIDS, or have a terminal illness.
Adult Residential Facilities for Persons with Special Health Care Needs (ARFPSHN)
Provide 24-hour a day services for up to five adults with developmental disabilities, who have special health care needs and intensive support needs. This facility type requires certification of program approval from the Department of Developmental Services. []
Adult Day Programs (ADP)
Any community-based facility or program that provides non-medical care and supervision to persons 18 years of age or older in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of these individuals, in a day care setting, on less than a 24-hour basis.
Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE)
A housing arrangement for persons, 60 years of age and over, where 24-hour non-medical care and supervision is provided. Residential Care Facility for the Elderly are often referred to as assisted living facilities, or board and care homes.
Residential Care Facility for the Elderly-Continuing Care Retirement Community (RCFE-CCRC)
Offer a long-term continuing care contract that provides for housing, residential services, and nursing care, usually in one location, and usually for a resident’s lifetime.